Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 36 and 37

Have you ever just needed a good cry? Well I think that is just what I need. These last 2 weeks I have been so weepy and I have not been able to just cry. I don't want to cry every day just one good cry will take care of it.
Today for instance They showed some clips from the Passion and I could feel the gush of tears coming, but nope just little pools of tears sitting on the edge, not even enough to wipe. Sad! One should be able to cry when she sees the crucifixion of the Lord. I mean come on is there anything more moving than to know that Jesus was separated from his father and died for us, and this was all planed before the foundation of the world. I don't think so. Where are the tears and why won't they come?

On to the "dark side."   I have come up the a very weird and unexplained desire to curse. I know that I look like a women who curses on a regular bases but I quit cussing back in Jr high. But now I feel the need to add @##$$)*()#(#  when I am talking. Of course I don't but I sure want to.

Here is what we know so far about the fast. It has been like a deep nasty pimple you get right before prom. It will pop but it just keeps refilling with more gunk. It has to be treated.   Will it leave a scar most likely, but was there any other choice?  Not really because Prom is just a few days away and you Can Not go to prom with a zit!

If you don't know know what to do with this blog  that's fine just file it under; A weepy warped Wendy. Take heart  and know that when you go through this someone understands, and if anyone asks you what in the world is wrong with Wendy just tell them " Oh it is just so heart braking she has "adult on set Turrets Syndrome" they are hoping it is temporary"

 May you get a blessing today because I know for sure you didn't get it from this blog!

1 comment:

  1. Oh but I did. I have that urge too on occasion, and I have never been a "curser". I don't know where it comes from. Thankfully it passes. As for the tears, I don't know why they are sometimes slow to come but mabye it is because your body is fasting...your metabolism is up, tear production down. :)
