Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 35

Traveling on the Fast is a thrill.  All I am going to say is You have to be prepared! Bring your own food if you can and accept what you can not change. Eat at Wendy's they have plan potatoes and salad.  I found an all natural no sugar added fruit drink at a QT they also had fresh fruit that looked  good but I had already eaten a banana. They zoo let you bring in your own food so that would not have been a problem.
Not real sure what I would have done if would have been along trip but I assume creative eating would have been involved and a few embarrassing moments for the kids. "Yes may I have that chicken salad with no chicken,cheese, eggs or dressing and please send me the chicken and veggies with no chicken and fun stuff on the veggies just plain will be fine." Can't you just see my family melt into a puddle under the table. Yep, I would win that game of last man standing ;)

Look into the places you will be going and see what is allowed. It is much easier to stay home and fix your own. But lets face it you can not spend your entire fast in a bubble. Oh you can try, but life is not lived in a bubble and neither therefore can your fast.

There is one thing I really love and find very funny.  God has put in an override on my brain and it does not bother me in lest to sit holding a bag of burger and fries and a bag full of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory at my feet. I couldn't even smell them. I did look at them and they looked nice, but ok they were just cheesecakes. No biggie, not my power but His.

My favorite thing that happened on the way home today was when I asked Brandon,who gave up pizza for lent, what if we call in Guido's pizza on a way home. His response "Yeah that would be great it doesn't bother me if they eat Pizza"  LOVE IT !!!! Proud momma 

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