Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day seven

I know that this fast is helping me already.

Jason has been in Houston and I am to be  incharge of homework in his absence.  Yeah me I don't do math well, I prayed to be delivered from this mess and I asked the Math teacher at Conferences last TH to not give home work next week while Jason "the math man was gone".

You know what? God kept that man form giving us homework. You would know this is a miracle because this man gives lots of homework every night. Not only did the math teacher not give homework, none of the other teachers did either.

All of my kids yes all three have been homework free all week. I am sayin Thank you Jesus and pass the fruits and veggies I can DO this!

Thought #2
 What if this fast is really about the food? What if God is using this fast to bring my food under His control. What if I am told to never eat meat again? What if this is how I am to eat from now on. Ok but I will need milk. What if this mean I can eat Real people food again,but in a smaller and smarter way? See what I mean God in control of food changes everything and in every way that I live.

For right now in the first few days the fast is about the food and what God whats to reveal to me about what food means to me and what the absences of "desired" food can do to bring me to my knees.

Do I crave God presence and much as I crave food?
Nope I don't, but I will.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a miracle to me. We are having homework woes around here...sigh.
