Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day one

Today I start the Daniel Fast. We shall see what happens.

Well I know what happens:
Discovery 1: this day was not about God it was all about me and all my stuff.

Discovery 2: I like Sugar and that is very difficult since I can't have it on this fast. Have you ever tried to find food at the store that has no sugar or sugar subtitute or chemicals. Well let me tell you it is VERY  HARD . I walked around wally world for over an hour trying to find food. I got a little depressed over my food choices. I think that I will have to ditch the  some of my legalism when I seek food. I will have to pray and weigh the cost of a few sugars and chemicals in the whole contents of a prepackaged food.

I will not eat a bowl of sugar! I will not! But I hope that I can learn how to gag down an no sugar in anything frozen fruit smoothie. Just an FYI: Food this isn't ripe needs a little help. I will not add sugar but I will pray that God shows me where to find the sweet fruit.

I will take hart in the fact this too shall pass and give way less dependency on food. Today, however was not that day

1 comment:

  1. It IS hard to find food without sugar. I haven't given it up, but I have been paying more attention to it after reading reports on how much sugar I should be eating. It will pass. I think. I have only fasted like a day here, a day there. Will be curious to see how it goes and what you learn!
