The meeting has occurred and I don't think it could have gone any better, as reported to me " they listened" and that was my hearts desire that they hear Jason and truly give his ideas consideration. They seemed to be receptive, now it is up to the bigger boss. I do not know how or when this information will be passed along and it is totally out of my hand (not that it ever really was). Thank you Friends for placing us before the Almighty.
What I learned
Well friends a complete fast (that meaning only liquid type food) even if it's only for a day and 1/2 is not for the faint of heart nor the weak of stomach. I now know the meaning of "I emptied myself" and to be "brought low". A fast of this nature is very humbling. I used this time to seek God's will for our family and every time my mind would roam to food I would say a prayer of blessing for Jason. I also used this time to confess my sins from the days before. I had my 20th reunion and I have to confess I still am not fond of those people and I did not think kind thoughts about them. It stilled seemed to divide it's self out into clicks and the Jr. highs. I was so glad to see some friends of the lower rung so that I could converse and have a few laughs. I will not be going to the 30th I don't care that much and I don't 10 more years is going to change that.
I now will go eat breakfast as I watch the USA beat Algeria. I can't wait it will be my first morning food in two weeks. I have fasted breakfast for the past 2 weeks for Jason and "the Meeting" and there were times when it was hard not to eat food and I had to talk my self out of eating "lunch" at 9 or 10 am and now I believe I will go have a bowl of cereal to bad it's not a cinnamon roll from Ricks.
Good day to you all :0)
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