Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 43

The day of silence. How fearful and sad the disciples had to have been.

Glory hallelujah I get to eat Tomorrow!
I think this process has given me a new joy for things that I denied myself. Will I take food for granted again? Sure I will. But will I remember what I have learned. You betcha!

I get to eat. I get to eat. I get to eat. I get to eat. TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!
So today I cook. I will not nibble. I will not lick. I will not taste anything.

TomoRRow, TomoRRow, TomoRROw

I get to eat. I get to eat. I get to eat. I get to eat.I get to eat. I get to eat. I get to eat. I get to eat.I get to eat. I get to eat. I get to eat. I get to eat.I get to eat. I get to eat. I get to eat. I get to eat.I get to eat. I get to eat Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE HE HE HE HE HE HE

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I am excited for you. :) You have been on some kind of journey. I do think that God gave us food to enjoy (in moderation, that is the hard part for me), so tomorrow...enjoy!
