Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 29

Well you would think that the democrats would have already passed a law to prohibit a person from having 2 stinky weeks in a row. You know life, liberty and the pursuit of selfishness.

Have you ever felt that your life was a sad narrative straight out of of a book. As you read you think to yourself are these morons really going to do this, they aren't thinking. And yet they do and it makes there life very very miserable.
Well you are reading about the poster child for stupid thinking. It is truly amazing that a person who claims to be a follower of Christ can not and most likely refused to take captive every thought and went headlong into stupid and destructive self talk. Did it help anything NOPE! it did not, it did more harm than good.

 So, Next week will be more prayerful and less stupid. There are apx. 2 weeks left on the fast and there is a growing feeling, I will not say fear because that's not what it is, that my food life post fast will be a failure. I do not want to go back to eating the way that I was. Life is harder and but at the same time it feels better and more successful.

1 comment:

  1. You are fear! Learned recently some thoughts on Heb. 11:1. Faith leading to faithfulness = trustfulness (in Him). 3 stages of hope... Good hope = Hope. Bad hope = fear of future. Absence of hope = Hopelessness. May this verse spur you on, sister. PFY and see you soon!
